Walk the Walk

Hope and Healing: Sharrie Whitt's Path from Despair with depression and anxiety to Ministry

Tina Perry Season 3 Episode 3

When Sharrie Whitt bravely stepped into the "studio", she brought with her a story resonating with the raw truths of battling depression and anxiety. Her tale is not just one of struggle, but also a profound testament to the strength found in faith—even when it feels like it's slipping through your fingers. Together, we unpacked the complexities of mental health and its interplay with spiritual beliefs, taking you on a journey through the shadowy valleys that often accompany an abrupt halt in medication, and the subsequent hormonal chaos that ensued.

As Sharrie and I traded experiences, we discovered the unexpected ways that personal turmoil can blossom into powerful ministry. We examined the deceptive nature of spiritual warfare, where doubt masquerades as reason, and how even the most steadfast can feel their foundation shake. It's a conversation that shines a light on the comforting presence of God during our darkest times and the surprising ministry roles that can emerge from our most challenging questions about faith.

The episode wraps up with an inspiring look at the role mentorship plays in fortifying our spiritual resilience. Reflecting on figures like Mother Teresa, who navigated her own doubts while changing the world, we underscore the importance of perseverance. Sharrie's journey—from the depths of despair to a beacon of hope and gratitude—serves as a powerful reminder that when we document and share our stories, we offer a lifeline to others facing similar battles. Join us for this moving dialogue that promises to leave you with a renewed sense of purpose and the comfort in knowing that with faith and community, no obstacle is insurmountable.


Hello and welcome to Walk the Walk where we explore the diverse journeys of faith. Whether you're a pre-believer or already have a relationship with Jesus Christ, this podcast is for you. Today we are joined by Sherrie Witt, who will share her journey with depression and panic in her walk with Jesus. As we all know, the journey is far from a leisurely stroll in the park. At times we find ourselves in places we didn't anticipate, but we press on, guided by the Holy Spirit. Join me in welcoming today's guest, sherri. Hi, sherrie, thanks for being here.


Thank you for having me, Tina.


Well, I really appreciate you taking the time to out of your busy day or busy night and just sharing with my audience about something that really is far stretching. We hear so much about panic and anxiety and we're going to talk with you today and you're going to tell us how you journeyed through that whole process. So tell me a little bit about your situation, and I would usually ask people what brought you closer to God, but I think maybe you got a little farther from God. Can you tell us about that?


I did so my walk. Well, this started actually with a medical issue I had, at the recommendation of a doctor, gone off of a medication but I went off of it cold turkey and I don't recommend ever doing that with any medication and it caused a hormonal imbalance in my system and I started to experience extreme depression and anxiety. And from that down the road it really started to affect my face.


Yeah, and you're so right about people that just stop cold turkey with certain medicines. We don't realize how important our hormones are to us and I think people just kind of overlook that. But our hormones are so important to how we function on a daily basis. So how difficult was this situation for you? I know I think you and I talked a little bit before about you began to start to doubt Jesus. Tell us a little bit about that.


So, in the middle of all of this I mean, this had gone on for a couple of months, with just what I would call regular depression and anxiety, before it started really affecting my face, but probably in the spring. This started in December of 2017, but by the probably the spring of 2018 is really when I started to question things, because I really felt like I was alone. I felt like God wasn't hearing me, wasn't answering me why was I in this? Why wasn't he delivering me from this? And so I really feel like Satan really took advantage of that situation and really started to plant seeds of doubt in my mind of and it really started.


I remember the exact thing that really started the snowball avalanche, if you will when I just started to go. Where is my? You know, the Bible says that God will give us peace. That passes understanding, and I didn't have peace. I didn't have peace at all, and I really started to question that scripture, which led to well, if I can't trust this scripture, what if I can't trust this scripture? And it just really began to make me go well, if God wasn't there for this, then did he really do that? And just so on and so on. So it really just started a questioning of is this God really real? I had been a Christian my whole life. I was raised in church and we just I just did because I just believed, because that's what you do and that's what I was taught, and I never had any opportunities to really question anything other than that until this happened.


So how long when you say this happened, when did it start and how long did it last?


So, like I said, when I went off of that medication, it was almost immediate, Probably like within a day, I started having panic attacks and that was in December of 17. And it really wasn't. I mean, I had tried different medications throughout this process and ups and downs and roller coasters and everything, and I don't feel like I really was in quote recovery until about April of 2019. So we're talking almost a year and a half of really bad ups and downs, anxiety, depression and really really questioning my faith.


Yeah, that's quite a bit of time. But I know a lot of people who really years, years and years of it and I know for myself I've experienced panic and anxiety and on so many different medications trying to, doctors are trying to figure out which one was working and then the dosage, and it's really quite a process and it can be quite frustrating and I'm sure that's how it was for you as well. So when you say you started to doubt, what types of things were you saying or were you looking for that just didn't happen. That made you start to doubt.


Well, I think it was really more of. If I really look at it, I really think it was really the Lord teaching me to trust him, and what I mean by that is not writing those coattails that my parents had raised me in church, really starting to dig into the word and learn my own faith. So I was like where are you, god? Like why are you not delivering for me this? What is happening? You said this in your word. Where is that in my life? Where is this in my life? So I do remember just crying out to where are you, god?


I mean I would have several nights of just sobbing and sobbing and and really having no control. And for someone who, you know, if you haven't dealt with depression, it's really hard to understand because on the outside there's no reason for me to be depressed. You know, I've got a nice house, I've got a good job, I've got a good family. You know, checking off all the list, depression doesn't make sense to someone who's on the outside looking in. But it is a. You know, I used to describe it as like I would wake up and I would just feel like I was tangled in my blankets and I just couldn't get out Like it was just a. As soon as I woke up, it was this heavy feeling of, oh, another day.


Yeah, that tangled in your blankets, that whole just being confined and nothing.


You can do about it.


So what kind of support did you have, be it from your family, your church?


I was blessed enough to have all of that. My husband at the time was really. He really stepped into his spiritual leader role during that time, probably more than I've ever seen him. I feel like God really used him in this time to give me encouragement and scriptures and just words of it that he probably didn't even know he had at the time. It was probably him leaning on Jesus as much as I was, and I think God would just give him the right things to say at the right time.


My family, like I said, I've grown up in a Christian family so I had people praying for me. My church was praying for me. I had a small group. That was amazing. They were like a second family that literally watched me walk through this whole mess from, I mean, from before, all the way through it and out. So I was blessed enough to have that support. I was never left alone because there were times that I actually ended up. I was suicidal at times, so my family never left me by myself. So, yeah, I had a lot of support through that.


That had to be frustrating for you. Knowing that, I mean, probably at some point you probably would have never dreamed of you being in that situation. And then here you have family not letting you stay, you know, leaving you alone. What must have been frightening even for you. I mean to think what's going on.


Yeah, yeah, it was really scary, but it became a terrifying thing for me on the spiritual level because I really started to doubt so much that I started being scared that I was gonna go to hell, because, well, if you don't believe, you know all you have to do is believe. And I didn't know that I did anymore. I started questioning the very existence of God and I had to pinpoint and grab onto okay, it was almost like a conscious process, almost like a math process that I would have to do, sometimes day after day, of okay, god does exist. Because of this, and I can hold onto this and just pieces and parts God would give me just to get me through the day.


So was there anybody and I don't mean to be specific, but was there anybody who thought they were helping? But it really wasn't?


I don't know that in my specific situation, but I have heard people who are just trying to be supportive to others to say, well, you're not praying enough, or your faith is, you've just gotta have a little more faith, and some of those things don't. They don't help, even though the intention is good, even though they're trying their best to just say something to encourage you. Sometimes that religious aspect can be a little bit dry when you're saying things like that and that just compounds the problem if you're already feeling depressed and someone saying, well, you just gotta pray hard. Well, trust me, honey, I've been praying my little hands off and it's not in my control, it's in God's control.


Right and I think people, like you said, intentions are good, the information is not, and people don't know what to do when they see that If a family member is going through that or a good friend is going through that, you want them to feel better, you want them to be okay, and sometimes the words that come out of our mouths are not making anybody feel okay. And I think sometimes, or many times, the best thing is just to listen, and I know for myself. I used to say I don't want somebody helping me who's in the situation I'm in. I want somebody to help me who's been where I am.


Yeah, misery doesn't always love company. That is the truth. And in those situations you're absolutely right, it only makes misery twice as bad. And I think sometimes we do that where we wanna say, well, I can empathize, I'm going through the same thing, or I've gone through. And it's like, if you're going through the same thing, I'm going through, we both need help, but we both need to seek our own help. So where do you think most of your help finally came from?


So I again I can look back now and I know this sounds kind of cliche, but I can look back now and see where God kind of met me every single time. I mean it was really bad. I was blessed again to find a counselor, a Christian counselor, who happened quote, happened to have a cancellation just a few days after this started. And she walks through this with me even after I had kind of started to walk out of it a little bit for probably about three years. She was amazing. She would pray with me, she would read scripture, she would. She was just an amazing counselor for what I was going through.


Now she, I mean I met with her probably once a week, but I don't want to discount the prayers that everybody was praying for me. I don't want to discount, you know, my husband's stepping up. So I had, I really had so much support. I don't know that I could put a percentage on where the most came from, but I know that God was walking through that, using people to help me walk through that. I should say it that way.


Was there anything you felt like you did that might have made your situation worse?


Um, because mine was a chemical issue. I don't. I don't know that I did anything that made it worse, but I I found myself wishing probably those exact things we just talked about. I wish you know, I wish my faith would have been stronger, or I wish you know I would have done something more. Christian quote Christian ease. But I don't. I don't think that I did anything that made anything worse. I feel like it was totally out of my control and it was really just a snowball, that I just had to wait on the Lord and and watch to see how he used it or what he did with it. And you can't even think that, clearly, when you're going through it. It looked like hell to me.


I'm thinking of hell. Didn't you share one time before something about Satan taking advantage of this situation?


Oh at every, yeah, at every turn. He would take advantage of the situation and just plant little seeds, here and there of doubt. Again, and I think probably what you're referencing is, we talked one time and I remember I was actually getting prayer at the front of my church, probably surrounded by I don't know five or six people, and I just had this thought of this is nothing but a cult. You're in a cult, that's what. That's what's happening here and it just I couldn't imagine why I was thinking these things and I just I do believe that Satan can, you know, just kind of put his little twist on things and that just you know that just made things even worse. He's very tricky, he's very sneaky and again, you, if you're in that mindset, you can't imagine getting yourself out of it. I didn't even know why I was thinking these thoughts and when I was doing, okay, I would go. How do I even get pulled into those thoughts? How do I even get pulled into this depression? But when you're in it, you can't get out without God's help.


Yeah, and did you ever see signs of God? You know, sometimes people say God just doesn't talk to me, I can't hear God's voice, I don't. I don't see him being a part of of this, and did you ever witness him being there?


But I don't know. I did and I specifically I remember you know I talked earlier about, you know, asking God where he was. And I remember one time I was actually on my knees sobbing, asking God where he was and I really felt like he, the spirit, just kind of put his arm around me and just said I'm right here. There wasn't additional, you know words, it was just knowing his presence was, it was able to call me and I knew he was with me. Even in the mess he was with me. It didn't get better all of a sudden the next day I wasn't jumping around like a leprechaun, but I felt his presence.


And the other thing that I really I saw probably early on, which really grounded me throughout this, even in the chaos, was someone had prophesied over me about my roots going deep, that I was gonna be like an oak tree ministering to people I hadn't met yet and people were gonna be ministering to me. And it was so awesome because almost monthly I would get some kind of references to these roots. I would see something on TV or there was an article that came up about bamboo and how strong their roots are, and at one point my husband and I were in another country and we saw a cave that had the name Roots Cave and just you walk through there and you see the roots how they're coming through hard rock just to get to a life supply, and my husband was like we gotta take a picture of this, because that was really what I was going through and I really felt like that's what God was teaching me at that time was that my roots were going deep in the Lord.


And with all of that you are very instrumental. Now to your ministry. I mean, I know you are teaching a Bible study, but God now has you doing things that are or were not at one time in your comfort zone.


Can you speak to that yeah?


go ahead. No, I'm sorry, can you speak to that about things that God is now having you do? It's like no, this would not have happened to me.


Yeah my husband will actually tell you he could see things like when I was going through it. He'd be like I could see you on the other side using this as a ministry. Of course, you don't feel like that when you're in any kind of struggle much less depression, but any kind of struggle. You don't understand what it's gonna look like and how God's gonna use it on the other side. But now I'm at a different church than I was at the time that it was going on. But now I just recently taught a Bible study, like a four-way Bible study on Esther.


But really I started in a program called AlphaUSA and I went through that, probably at the tail end of when I was going through this, and it was presented as if you have questions about God. Well, I did, but I was too ashamed, like as a Christian I shouldn't be asking these questions. I've been a Christian my whole life. But it was for people who had questions at any level new believers, atheists, anything like that and I thought this is the place for me. Well, now I've been through that class five times.


I learned something new every time and God has used me to actually lead, co-lead that class and then out of that was birth a small group that we now I co-lead with two other gentlemen that is for new believers who are coming out of that class, who have questions at the very foundational level, and those were the ones that I was struggling with after I think I was 41 when I started going through this Questions that I was like I should know the answer to this right, but we don't always know the answer and I think God was just restructuring my foundation to where it's now. My own faith, it's my own relationship with the Lord and he speaks to me and I speak to him and it's just something new and exciting and he's just using me in different ways that I never would have imagined.


Even doing this podcast with me, I'm sure you would have thought I would never do that.


And here you are.


I mean just doing the very thing that God wants you to do and the very thing that I'm so appreciative of, because there are people who are listening, who can relate, and they may be at a different place, they may be in the beginning of what you've gone through or in the middle, but you've given them some glimmer of hope of you.


Know what I know, I know how you feel, but I've been through the valley and now I'm on the other side, and that's how God works. And I failed to mention in the beginning that you and I became friends because I was one of your college professors, and it's just remarkable how God puts us into each other's lives, because I don't think, you know, after you left the college we probably didn't stay in contact and I don't remember how we became, you know, gotten in contact again. But here we are, I mean, and here we are, and so I just think it's remarkable that God, you know, and the trial that you went through brings you out on this other side. Now let me ask you do you think that, or do you already do any type of mentoring or anything with your church that might be able to assist other people who are going through what you're going through.


I don't at this point. We do have something like that at our church, but I've never necessarily felt led or no one's ever asked me to be part of that. Now, I honestly have never even thought about it. It might be something I need to pray about and see if that's a direction that God's leading me. Even since you brought it up, I thought, huh, yeah, so it might be something that down the road, I mean I think that a one-on-one situation. Sure, I just never really thought about that avenue, but I know that it was a really dark, dark place and God's really, really used it, so I'm sure he would be happy to have other people be blessed by it, for sure.


Oh, I definitely think that. I think just the mere comfort of just hearing somebody say did you have anybody like that when you were going through that provided comfort to you, or were people just too afraid to share? Because you know to think about anxiety.


I don't know that I knew anyone who had gone through personally, who had gone through any kind of spiritual faith struggle that I knew that had anything like this. Now I know there are people like Mother Teresa for one she has a fantastic book out who no one would ever know that she struggled with doubt for many, many, many years and she pushed on through her ministry but she didn't feel God for many years. I'm not even sure that she ended up before she died, that that was ever listed off of her. Yeah, but she served God wholeheartedly because of what is in his truth, not because of how she felt Right, which is very important.


Yeah, she saw so much poverty and sickness and oh man, I bet that would just wear on you after a while, you know. Going back to what you were saying about people assuming you know, you should know, or you thought I should know these questions. I shouldn't, and I went to the same type of thing, being a pastor's wife. People made so many assumptions about how much I knew and I was too embarrassed, even when Jeff first went into the ministry to even tell him I hadn't even read my Bible. I mean, I read this and that, but to really read and study my Bible I didn't start doing that until about probably 10 years ago, maybe less. And now I don't read my Bible, I study and I want to know. I've got that hunger. But it's just funny how people make assumptions on us and we do it to ourselves.


We do it. That's what I was thinking. Yeah, we do it to ourselves.


I should know this Right right, and how many times have you read through and read your Bible? And it's like I still don't know it.


I've read it. I forgot what I read yesterday.


Right, I forgot, or you know you read something and it's like I don't know. I don't think I'm gonna understand that right now, but maybe next time when I read it again. So was there ever a come to Jesus meeting for you that you felt like you know what? This is it? I feel.


I don't know. Yeah, I feel like he probably doesn't even know this, but when I was starting to really come out of it, I had been in counseling for a while, I had finally found this medication that seemed to be really working for me, and but I was still having some thoughts. And I just had this one Sunday that I was really struggling and my husband and I went up to the pastor afterwards and I just told him. I said I just feel like I'm gonna go to hell. And he said something to me that I don't even know if a lot of Christians know. But he said you know, there is a difference between non-belief and doubt. And that made all the difference for me, and I don't think that I really had a hard day after that.


I really like grabbed onto that and it just clicked with me that there is a difference you can question, and God is prepared for that. He knows it's coming, he knows we're human, he knows we're putting our faith in something we can't see. As far as you know, there was doubting Thomas, there was lots of people who have doubted, but then non-belief is something completely different and that was the come to Jesus moment for me. It was like Okay, I'm okay that I have doubt.


Especially because you kept going to Jesus, it's. I mean, if you don't, if you don't believe, you don't go to that person, right? I mean, you won't keep going back to him and saying you know what's going on, Otherwise you know. So I think, I think that's wow, that's awesome advice that he gave you and you felt like that was felt, you felt like that was a turning point for you.


Yeah, I really. I mean, I really fought a lot with, with the whole, through the whole thing. I really fought a lot with Satan. I remember there was a couple different times, like I remember one of the days that I was just balling and balling and my husband was there and I was like he can't have my faith, he can't have my faith. He can have everything else, but he cannot have my faith. And I didn't even know how I was gonna Stand on that, but I was gonna profess it he can't have my faith.


And and another time, one of the times that was really the hardest for me, like probably when I was the closest to suicidal. I remember just rocking myself in my chair, going God has a plan for me and this is not it. God has a plan for me and this is not it. I really had to profess what was in the word over what I was feeling and what my fears were at the time. But I had to do it out loud and and with a very strong, you know, aggressive he's not getting my faith, he's not getting me Even though I had no idea how this was gonna turn out and it was scared me every day.


Yeah, yeah, that's great, that's great advice or at least you know to hear somebody say look, I don't know how it was gonna happen, but it wasn't gonna happen the way Satan wanted to happen.




So tell me a little bit about your walk today.


Well, I, like I said I'm, I'm leading, co-leading in this, this Bible study, and I just feel like I have, I am on a new foundation, I'm on my own relationship and I spend time with the Lord, although One of the things you know that you kind of go through you are holding on to every moment that you can, with Jesus digging in that word, you know, for anything that God will give you for the day, and there's I know I've seen something on Facebook like you know you need Jesus. You need to know that you need Jesus on your best day as much as you do on your worst day, and that's really true. I've found myself now that things are calm and Relieved. It's not as easy for me to get there to read my Bible you would think that it would be. You know I'm a child of this real, I guess, because I forget but I really kind of struggle with staying in the word every single day as much as I was when I was desperate for anything that God would feed me for the day.


So I'm trying to like get it back into that, because I know that's where I need to be. I know that's how you keep that relationship with the Lord is, you know, with intimacy with him and being with him and talking to him. But, like I said, I'm Leading this group that I absolutely love. I love watching people ask questions and learn new things, because I was there and they may not have struggled through what I went through, but just seeing them learn new things about Jesus, or learn about Jesus at all, is really exciting to me. That's like my. I thrive on that.


That sounds exciting and I love it too. I love that when what I've learned and I share helps somebody else.




Just I call that the domino effect. What I have I keep sharing, and the more you know, when somebody doesn't Do their domino I don't know if that's the right way of saying it you can ruin the whole thing. You know, one domino hits the other and hits the other. But if you take your domino out by not doing what God tells you to do or wants you to do, the rest of them cannot fall into place. So I think that's awesome.


You know it's funny. You said that because I know I had contacted you when I was Getting ready to teach this little four-week study on Esther and the way that I ended Esther just for my little group is I got a big puzzle like 36 pieces, but it had pretty big pieces and I Was just showing people that. You know, if you were to take yourself out of the picture, like you can't see how, what God is doing, I guess. So if you imagine this puzzle, you can't see all of the pieces that you are impacting when you put yourself into that. That didn't make a lick of sense.


But If you imagine yourself as a puzzle piece.


Yeah, you know and you take yourself out. There's all these other people that are dependent on you and they learn that from what you've gone through. You may have one sentence that you make a difference and you know, but you have to let the Lord use you how you know those situations and let him use those situations that you've gone through to affect other people. Yeah, that's perfect you know, the Bible says that God will use all things for his glory and for good.


Amen. So Well, I have one more question for you. What advice would you give to somebody who may be going through something similar, or Maybe the exact same thing you are?


Well, first of all, I would say you know mental health has a stigma, but you've got to. You've got to seek out counseling, good godly counseling. You can't walk through that alone. You can't assume that you're gonna be able to go through that alone. Hopefully you have, you know, family or friends that you can. You know, surround yourself with. But I would say, you know, get yourself involved in a good church, if you're not already. That just can have people praying for you, that can support you, that can walk through that with you.


But mostly, you got to stand on God's truth, not what your mind is telling you, not what you're feeling at that at that time. And that's really what I Was able to go back through. I would highly recommend journaling. I know you're a big fan of journaling too. I would highly recommend anybody who's going through that. Write it down, write the bad stuff, the good stuff, all of it, because you'll be able to look back and go. God met me, met me there, and he met me there and oh, I remember when he did this. But I would say you've got to stand on truth, you know, because our hearts are deceiving, our minds are deceiving, our feelings are deceiving.


Well, we know that, especially with going through the panic and anxiety, your brain Venture of things that are so yeah and not to mention what those can, what those medications, if you're not on the right one right.


You know it can really wreak havoc, but just a plug for that. There is new Tests out there that they can actually do. It's like a some kind of DNA test that will lead them to the right one first, so you don't have to try a bunch of different ones and goes off of your DNA.


So oh, wow, that's good, because you feel like you're just a, you know, a guinea pig. A guinea pig, yeah, like okay, well, let's try this. No, that didn't work, let's try this. No, let's increase, let's decrease it. In the meantime, your body is like what is going on? It can be quite, quite scary. I mean, I know that from personal experience.


It can be, very scary and so and I do love journaling and it's funny that you would bring that up, because I have a journal that I did. I don't, I don't, I can't remember it was like 2008. And I was going through that and it was like wow, I mean I, it was just full of scripture and full of my you know words of wisdom to myself and stuff, and it was, and I, you know, I loved reading through it because it was just a different stage of my journey and that was many years ago. I felt like I've only started this journey like five or six years ago, and that was 10, 12 years ago. So I'm leaving that book as a a little gift for my kids for when I pass away. I hope they will treasure it. I know I would treasure something like that.


Well, I mean we just we just forget so much stuff and we forget how much God has, you know, blessed us or met us or used us, and if we don't write it down, I mean we just forget and it's just easy to do that.


That's exactly right, sherry. I thank you so much for taking the time to do this, and I am sure somebody is being blessed by hearing you know your journey. Unfortunately it was dark, but we know that there was a light at the end of the tunnel.


And I cannot thank you enough for being here and just yeah, I would never want to go through it again, but I am so, so, so grateful for what God did through it.


Amen, amen. And to my listening audience, I thank you so much for being here tonight. If you know, if you would like to get in contact with Sherrie, let us know we will be glad to give you her information, and that maybe she could just give you some words of wisdom or just something to make you feel like, yes, I, I, I'm going to be okay, because we know you will be with Jesus on your side. There's no doubt about that. And so, again, thank you so much for listening and being here and I pray that you just have a blessed night, Sherrie. Thank you again, thank you.