Walk the Walk

The Daily Rebirth: Finding Purpose in every day we wake up! Make today your Best New Day

Tina Perry

Have you ever wondered why yesterday's shadows darken the doorstep of today's potential? Our latest episode unfolds the transformative concept of treating each dawn as a platform for rebirth and a departure from the past's grip. I take you through my personal reflection on why we often refuse the gift of a new beginning, exploring the traps of negative thought patterns and the essential practice of aligning our daily intentions with a higher calling. It's more than just a motivational talk; it's a revelation about living with purpose, guided by the teachings of Jesus, and how I weave this understanding into my everyday through prayer, Bible study, and a conscious connection to my spiritual goals.

Navigating the turbulent waters of love and forgiveness in the aftermath of betrayal is a voyage we embark on together in the second segment. The tale is not solely mine to tell, but a shared chronicle of our collective struggle to embody the grace of Jesus while safeguarding our hearts with healthy boundaries. It's an honest discussion about the fine line between forgiveness and self-respect, and the steps we can take towards healing without losing sight of the love and mercy that define our faith. Join me as we offer an uplifting testament to hope, challenging every listener to embrace the compassion and understanding anew each day, despite the frailties of our human condition.

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to Walk the Walk. Well, just a couple days ago, we celebrated New Year's, the New Year, and I find it so ironic that we celebrate the New Year one day a year. Now, I know it means that we bring in a whole new year and we all think about what it is that we're going to make new in the New Year, which only makes sense, and I know that some of you resort to doing resolutions. Some people do not. Whatever you do for that day and for that year is totally up to each one of us. But I was thinking about the New Year and I thought you know, jesus gives us a new day every day. He gives us a new year 365 days, and then we're going to celebrate a new year of 2025. And I thought about well, why don't we celebrate New Day every day? Think about it. When we go to bed, we wake up. We wake up in a new day. What happened yesterday is gone, it's over. We cannot get yesterday back.

Speaker 1:

But ironically, many of us will pull in what happened yesterday into our new day. Why isn't it that we don't start every new day with this is fresh, this is clean. I'm going to try to leave yesterday there and you may say well, that's not possible, I have to bring in some of the stuff from yesterday. Well, of course we do. You know, we have things that we need to complete today that we thought about yesterday, but for many people they'll bring in something that's not necessary. Your mind is a thing of the past. It really is, because everything we think right now is immediately becomes our past. But in a new day we can get rid of that. I know there's been books, the stinking thinking. I read a series of books about how to eliminate the bad things in your brain from the past, because it's very possible, but we won't get into that. But maybe that would be a great book study someday.

Speaker 1:

But why is it that we don't wake up every morning and set our sights on the new day? Lord, you've given me one more day. You may not give me another day tomorrow, but you did today. What am I going to do today so that it is pleasing in your sight? Well, for me…. I got up again rather early, but I did. I got up again, did my Bible steady and I mean steady, I don't mean I read my. I did read my Bible, but I studied, trying to connect all of the dots so that I understand where we've been, but I don't let myself get lost in where we have been.

Speaker 1:

Today is a new day, lord. What is it that you want me to do today? Well, I'm sure he would say if he could talk to me face-to-face I want you to be better than you were yesterday. Was I my best yesterday? I would say so. I think every day we do our best. Now some of you would say no, I wasn't at my best yesterday.

Speaker 1:

But yesterday's gone and everything you did, I'm sure you did with intention. Many of you went to church because you answered the question about what you heard or saw that day. Many of you went home after church and, you know, rested or whatever you did, you felt like that was the best for you in that time. Sometimes we do what we think is the best without thinking. We have to be very intentional. We have to be very intentional Because if you allow your nature to control your day, most of us would stay in bed, maybe not go to work, maybe not study your Bible, maybe not speak blessings into each other, maybe not encourage somebody. You see where I'm going with this. Our nature doesn't allow us to be our best. But if you are operating in the Spirit, I'm sure you are operating at your very best.

Speaker 1:

Now some of you will say well, I don't operate the Spirit, I just don't. I just do whatever feels right. You know, we've heard those things. You know, do what you want. You can be what you want, which I strongly disagree with. You can be whatever you want, and I know that might ruffle a few feathers of people listening, but I know that I cannot be the president of the United States and I would not want to be period. But let's just say your mother told you as a child you can be whatever you want to be. Just set your mind to it. I don't think that's the truth. The truth is you can strive to be whatever you want to be, but you have to be able to realize you know what. That's not the best thing for me. I can strive to be whatever Jesus wants me to be.

Speaker 1:

Some of you have talked about the sermons that you've heard that you know follow the Spirit, live in the Spirit, do what Jesus wants you to do. Imagine this If everybody on this earth really followed the lead of the Holy Spirit, what a different place this would be. We would be different people, we would have different relationships and I believe we would be a much more loving group of people. Are you striving to be the best thing that the Holy Spirit wants you to be today? Well, my mind makes me think this and my heart makes me do that. That's because that's your physical mind and your physical heart. Those are not the minds and hearts of Jesus Christ. Lord, give me your spirit, give me your mind and give me your heart.

Speaker 1:

You know I'm still working on my book, but I've been teetering with how to present it. Somebody asked me I thought you were going to publish your book. Well, I am still working on that, but I'm still trying to figure out how I want to present that. Lord. What's the best way that you want me to present it? I'm considering doing another podcast, but the name of it's going to be and you can hold on to your hats right now, because I know this is going to make you make you squirm, but I keep coming back to this title over and over Jesus loves you, but I don't. But yet I'm trying. I have said that title to people and most people have responded with yes.

Speaker 1:

Yes, jesus does love you, but I don't. I can't. You have done this to me. You left me high and dry with with kids and you just walked out on me. You have dived into things that I never knew you were doing in our marriage. No, I don't love you, thank God Jesus does. I can barely forgive you. What God Jesus does when you just love to be able to say you know, I forgive you and I love you. Only because I love Jesus Do I feel physical love for you? Absolutely not. But yet I am trying, and I will probably go to my grave saying that very thing Jesus loves you, but I don't. But man, am I trying? And you probably are saying that very same thing about me as well, tina, jesus loves you, but man I don't.

Speaker 1:

I understand that it's so challenging to feel the way that Jesus does. It's very challenging to think the way that Jesus does, but our humanness, our Adam and Eve body, doesn't allow that to happen very easily. But Jesus says you come to me and you tell me what it is that you are striving for in my name, I will guide you. Now whether or not you stay on that path is totally up to you, but I venture to say that maybe, just maybe, for those that you look at and say Jesus loves you, but I don't, you might this year, in one of your perfect days, say you know what Jesus loves you and so do I. That doesn't mean that what you've done to me is acceptable. I forgive you, but that will not happen to me again, because I love you but I love myself even more to never let that happen to me again. I'm not going to keep you nailed to the cross for your sin, just as I don't want to keep myself nailed to the cross for my sin, because when we nail our sins to the cross, we nail Jesus to the cross again and we have to let it go.

Speaker 1:

Every day when you wake up, start this week Wake up and say thank you Jesus. I'm awake, thank you Jesus. I have a bed that I can wake up in. But, most importantly, Jesus, you've given me another day to love like you do, to forgive like you do and to do what I can do to be the very best daughter of Christ. And maybe at the end of today you'll be like epic fail. Here's the blessing Tomorrow, when you wake up, you get another chance to be the very best you can be in the name of Jesus Christ. Thank you, jesus, to allow me a new day in this new year. Every day, give it a try.