Walk the Walk

The simple truth to who God wants you to be...

Tina Perry

Have you ever felt like you're on a spiritual treadmill, searching for God's purpose but getting nowhere? Join me on a profound exploration of what it truly means to discover our divine calling. In our heartfelt conversation with the vibrant Women at the Well Facebook community, we uncover how to look beyond the surface-level quest for specific life directives, and instead, focus on developing a Christ-like heart and mind. We're peeling back the layers of the Adam and Eve narrative, revealing how earthly distractions can lead us astray, and emphasizing that our true calling is wrapped in the embrace of divine love—an insight that's brought to life in the powerful film "The Cokeville Miracle."

Surrender might just be the most powerful action you can take in your spiritual walk. In this episode, we delve into the life-changing impact of letting go and allowing God's will to unfold in our lives. We talk about the common desire for palpable signs of God’s plans and share how a shift towards a direct relationship with God—seeking His heart and mind—can transform your life. I invite you to experience the liberation from legalistic boundaries as we discuss how inviting the Holy Spirit into our lives can lead to a simpler, more trusting faith. It's about letting God's love permeate our being and trusting that He will align our path with His peace and clarity.

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to Walk the Walk Every Sunday on my Facebook page, the Women at the Well, I always like to ask what did you hear today in the sermon that was delivered? And it's very unique because a lot of times you'll see a common theme among churches and then sometimes you'll see one or two messages that really stand out. When somebody posted yesterday that it was on the lines of what's my purpose? What is it that God wants me to do? And so I responded to the post by saying what is it that you think God wants? Or who is your identity in Christ? And the person responded on the lines of well, I'm still praying about it, and I understand that I'm still praying about it. What is my purpose? But I think we overlook the purpose for us is to be like God.

Speaker 1:

Now, in our search, I think most of us are looking for something specific, like a job, like what do you want me to do? Do you want me to go and be a missionary? Do you want me to write a book? Do you want me to do a podcast? Do you want me to feed the homeless? So I think the reason why it's so difficult for us to figure out what it is that God wants us to do is we want those very specific, very specifics to be given to us. And I think if we go back and just look at the very basic what is it that God wants for me? Is he wants us to be like him, and all those other things will fall into place. We put what God wants for us out of order. We say, what is it that you want me to do? And then we hope that will develop or strengthen our love for Christ and for us to do Be Christ-like. I want to challenge you. I want you to quit thinking about specifically a job title, but think more in a broader sense that I want to be like Christ. If I do nothing else, I want to have the heart and mind of Christ. I think that job is harder. If you want to call it a job, I think that's harder than him saying write a book, do a podcast. Having a heart like Christ is difficult when you don't feel the way that Christ feels, and I think most of you would agree.

Speaker 1:

Let's take a look at Adam and Eve the two people on earth. Nothing else, no phones, no iPad, no TV, no other distractions for them, none except for each other and all they were told to do was to exist and to be like God. But they had one distraction, and that was the devil. It's so hard to believe that, of all the beauty that they were living in, that they fell for the schemes or the temptations of the devil. What else could they have wanted? Maybe they were looking for a job? Well, it can't be just this.

Speaker 1:

Adam and Eve probably thought this is it? All of this, this beauty, this love that we have? There's got to be something else for me. And I feel like Eve may have gone out searching what more is there? But Adam obviously felt the same way, and Satan knew they were looking. They were looking for something other than what they had.

Speaker 1:

And he tells them well, this doesn't have to be all that you want. You don't have to have just all this love of God. There's other things for you to do, trust me, and that's what we end up doing. We trust Satan To fulfill our earthly needs and we forget the very basic. God just wants me to love like he does. And all those other things, those jobs, those podcasts, those books, those Bible studies, all of those other things will fall into place. But if you're trying to operate your God business without God and without the love of God, you're doomed for failure, just like Adam and Eve doomed for failure For following the desires of their own heart and not God's. It sounds so simple, doesn't it? And to be honest it is. We forget how to develop our relationship with Jesus Christ. Make that your job and figure it out.

Speaker 1:

I'm 64, soon to be 65. I should not still be trying to figure out what it is God wants from me. I should not. I'm too old for that and I just see it over and over and I even say it myself God, what is it that you want me to do? Just love like I do, love one another, and all those other things will fall into place. Stop searching, stop wondering, stop praying about what is it you want from me. You could die before you get it figured out and the answers been there all along.

Speaker 1:

Jeff and I watched a movie last night and I recommend that you watch it. It's called the Cokeville Miracle. I think we saw it on Netflix. I don't know. We have all that. I don't know. I just watch whatever Jeff pulls up. But it's called the Cokeville Miracle.

Speaker 1:

It's a true story and I love true stories like this and it's about a man who has children, he's married and he can't seem to just grasp on to the love of God. He just can't. He needs. I need something, I need proof, I need proof, I need proof. And it came in this true story where this nut was very enamored with bombs and he went into and I'm not. Yeah, well, I guess I'm going to have to kind of tell you the story, like, but he goes to this elementary school to explode one of his bombs.

Speaker 1:

But from that whole story and I won't tell you what happens, because it's something that you would least expect the Father ends up finding Christ. He was searching so much for who is, who is he? I don't believe his family would go to church. He would drive there with him as if he was going to go, and then he would stay in the car and he was just eager, desperately trying to figure out who God was. But he just would not let himself accept who he was until this miracle happened. And I'm not going to give you the end of the story because there would be no purpose in you watching it. You need to watch it.

Speaker 1:

But are we like that? Are we just so. I need evidence, I need proof. I need, I need you to show me what it is you want me to do. Write me a letter, god, put it in my path.

Speaker 1:

When I drive out of here, the first thing I see will be no, that's not how this works. How it works is that you go to the Lord and you say give me your heart, give me your mind, give me you, fill me with your Holy Spirit, and all the other things that you want from me will fall into place. Quit saying, day after day after day after day, I'm trying to figure it out. I'm trying to figure it out. We know what it is. God created us to be in his image, to be like him, and somehow we've perverted that. We have perverted it. We have, we have, in our minds, tried to figure out something that's not to be.

Speaker 1:

I know I've encouraged you all to read your Bible and I still encourage you to do that. I know I've encouraged you all to study your Bible. I still ask you to do that. Very important to us as Christians to know our Bible. But I'm going to ask you today stop asking God what it is he wants you to do and start asking God how can I have you, your heart and your mind?

Speaker 1:

And don't wait for an answer, because the answer is all you have to do is ask him to fill you with his Holy Spirit. That's it. Quit being so legalistic about rules that I have to do it like this. The very basic thing is Jesus, come into my heart, fill me with your Holy Spirit, and the rest will fall into place. All that love that you want to give is there, but in our humanness it's hard to show. But in God's spiritual, his spiritualness, it's very easy to let it flow. So stop asking what it is that you want me to do and start having a conversation with Jesus. Give me your heart. At the very minimum, give me your heart and fill me with your Holy Spirit. I'm telling you, the rest will fall into place.