Walk the Walk

Navigating Life's Journey with Christ as Your Spiritual GPS!

Tina Perry

Embark on a spiritual expedition where the sacred intertwines with the technological, as faith's reliable GPS steers you through life's convoluted landscape. In our illuminating conversation, we analogize the trust we place in our navigation systems with the assurance we find when Jesus and the Holy Spirit are at the helm. It's easy to veer off course, tempted by fleeting desires, yet there are eternal stakes at play. We'll unravel the deep-seated consequences of dismissing those divine signals and the peace that comes from following a path illuminated by Christ's light. It's not just about evading life's traffic; it's about journeying towards a transformation fueled by grace, with the Holy Spirit as our ever-present guide toward steadfastness and faith.

In a heartfelt invitation, we explore the life-altering decision to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, welcoming His guidance as the ultimate 'GPS' for your soul. This episode isn't just a roadmap to eternal peace and love—it's a beacon cutting through the fog of earthly strife and division, urging you to make that pivotal spiritual commitment. As we share insights and stories, we'll reveal the comfort and certainty that comes with knowing your journey is under divine supervision. If you're at a crossroads or already on the path, this powerful reminder reinforces the grace that awaits your decision to let Jesus chart your course.

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to Walk the Walk. So we all have probably, some way or another, a GPS. Either we have one in our car, we have one on our phone, but I think most of us have access to a GPS, and I've lent you to say that many of us will probably not travel long distances without using a GPS. So what does this GPS do for us? Well, for me, it keeps me from getting lost. Now there are times when I ignore the GPS and it is trying to keep me on a path where there's not much traffic or there might be an accident ahead, and sometimes I just don't believe it and I'll just go ahead and go the way that I want to go. And then I find out yep, it was right, I shouldn't have gone this way.

Speaker 1:

I think Jesus is like our GPS and our Bible is our GPS. You know when Jesus is telling us or the Holy Spirit tells us go this way. Sometimes our flesh, our human nature, says no, I don't want to, I want to go, I want to go this way, this way is more fun, or this way is something I'm familiar with, and sometimes, when we go the way we want to go, we get lost, we get mixed up with something that we really didn't need to be in. I've driven and ignored my GPS and had to sit in traffic for hours, but why is it that we ignored that little prompting from the Holy Spirit, also known as our GPS? Well, I think too many times we come so familiar with our behaviors and our sin that we are afraid of a new path. We're afraid of going the way that Jesus wants us to go, or we're just so enjoying the path that we're on, that we don't want to change our course. But that's not what Jesus wants for us. He wants us to stay on this path because he knows, and I can tell you, if you've been on use a GPS and you go one way and it tells you go the other way, and then you keep going and it keeps trying to turn you around.

Speaker 1:

Eventually, I believe, the GPS will just finally give up, especially if you come to a path that you cannot go on. It's a dead end and a lot of times in our life we all wait for that dead end. We all wait till we get to the point where either you turn around or you stay right there. Sometimes that dead end can be pretty brutal and for some people it can be too late. They follow their desires to the point where it's too late. Now people I know you all say no, it's never too late, it is too late. There is a point in time when it becomes too late to accept Christ and to follow his ways. When is that time? When you die? When you die and you have not accepted Jesus Christ, it is too late Now. I know that sounds brutally honest, but it is. It's a fact.

Speaker 1:

I would much rather try these new paths that Jesus wants me on than to be on a path of no return, and I know of many people who have taken that path of no return and it's too late Now. There are people who will say, maybe at a person's funeral oh, they've gone to heaven, because people want to believe that when somebody dies, they want to believe that their loved one is in heaven, and so do I. But we know that hell is there for a reason for those who do not accept Jesus Christ, for those who do not accept the GPS. It's scary and it's heartbreaking to think of people who may otherwise be in hell. What can you do about it? You're still alive, you're still listening, you still have the opportunity to change your ways. What can I do? I can accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I can open my heart to Him and I can say lead me, lead the way. I am sure there's going to be a time when the GPS is going to say make a U-turn. And we do, and we get back on the path that we need to get on.

Speaker 1:

It's very challenging to live on the straight and narrow, day after day after day. Our flesh is strong, our mind is strong and our heart's desires are very strong. It's hard to let those things go. It's hard to let that fleshy desire of ours not be in control, but it is possible. God knows we cannot be 100% on that straight path all the time. He knows that. But he also knows your heart and he knows your mind and he knows that both of those can change for Jesus.

Speaker 1:

All you have to do is ask Jesus, come into my heart, guide me, guide my mind, fill me with your Holy Spirit so that the Holy Spirit is in charge of me and not my flesh. Let the Holy Spirit be my GPS, guide me day after day. I better back up, guide me minute after minute. It's sometimes a struggle just to get through a minute of being the person who we are instead of the person who we want to be. Give me that strength, holy Spirit, even if it's one minute at a time, because I know one minute at a time is going to build into a half hour, an hour, half a day, a whole day, and then day by day.

Speaker 1:

Will you ever look exactly like Jesus? No, we know that, but we know that we can put the effort in to looking just like Him. Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? Have you accepted His GPS? If not, do it today. You're still listening, it's not too late.

Speaker 1:

We don't want to be the ones to say about you at your funeral Well, I hope he or she is in heaven. We want to know for sure that you made it and that I made it, where Jesus Christ lives with our God, our Holy Spirit. Imagine that in a place where there's no suffering or crying, no politics, no right, no left, no conservative, no liberal, no, nothing, just people that love one another day after day. How could you not want that? Get off the path you're on and get on the path that Jesus wants for you If you've not accepted Him as your Lord and Savior. Right now, as your opportunity, ask Him to come into your heart to forgive you for all of your sins and to guide you minute by minute. He will as soon as you ask. I pray that you have accepted Christ into your heart.