Walk the Walk

Exodus 3:10 - Embracing Divine Tasks: Lessons from Moses

Tina Perry

What happens when God calls someone who feels completely unqualified and overwhelmed? In this episode of Walk the Walk, we unpack the incredible journey of Moses as he leads the Israelites out of Egypt. Despite his insecurities and past mistakes, Moses is chosen by God to fulfill a monumental task. Through heartfelt reflections, we explore how God often selects the seemingly unprepared and provides the support they need, just as He did by sending Aaron to accompany Moses. You'll hear relatable discussions about overcoming our own doubts and fears by deepening our relationship with God and trusting in His divine plan.

Moving forward, we focus on embracing God's call and recognizing that His teachings are for everyone, not just a select few. We address the common struggles of feeling inadequate or unprepared, but emphasize that God equips those He calls, no matter the obstacles. With open hearts and a willingness to say "yes," we can achieve remarkable things—even if it means simply sharing our faith with one person. We end with a powerful prayer for strength and guidance, reminding ourselves of the profound impact we can have, one soul at a time. This episode will inspire you to walk boldly in your faith and embrace the divine purpose laid out for you.

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to Walk the Walk. Today's scripture comes from Exodus 3.10. Now go, for I am sending you to Pharaoh. You must lead my people, israel, out of Egypt. Boy, what a big responsibility. And today's podcast is going to talk about the responsibility that God gives us and how we react to the responsibilities, or when he comes to us and says to you I need you to do this for the kingdom of God, and how you react.

Speaker 1:

Now Moses found himself very overwhelmed with the request of or I don't know request sounds very trivial but with the responsibility of rescuing the Hebrew people out of Egypt. Five, six thousand people we're talking probably at least six hundred thousand people that he was responsible for bringing out of Egypt. Now, these people lived in a situation in a world there that was rough. Some of them, that's all they knew. That's all they knew how to do. They lived there for over 400 years and they were born into their slavery life in Egypt, and that's all they knew how to do. They lived there for over 400 years and they were born into their slavery life in Egypt, and that's all they knew. Now, I don't know if you know this this is just a side note that not all the people wanted to leave. And again, I think maybe that could be attributed to the fact that maybe, since they were born into that lifestyle, they knew nothing differently into that lifestyle. They knew nothing differently. But people who lived there because we talk about 400 years, obviously the first people that lived there were already dead and gone. But as they passed down tradition, they told of their lifestyle before living as slaves. Now getting back to Moses, slaves Now getting back to Moses.

Speaker 1:

When he was given that charge of rescuing these people, there were many reasons why he did not want to go back to Egypt. And if you know the story, he didn't want to go back there because he had killed somebody and had left the country and he figured you know why would I go back there? But the people that were after him for killing had already been dead and gone. But again, going back to that land that was probably not a good place for him was tough. So he pleaded with God, like why are you sending me? You know? And he gave him reasons why Moses would not be a good pick. Almost enough to say to God look, you don't know what you're talking about. Why would you send me? Send somebody else, I can't speak very well and it's amazing to me and this happens in the Bible a couple of times where people just kind of negotiate with God or kind of tell God, you've made a mistake, why would you even consider me? And sometimes I wonder why God he's so kind in the fact that he's like, okay, fine, and in Moses' situation he allowed his brother Aaron to go with him. So Moses and Aaron went back to Egypt and had to face the Pharaoh, and we know the story of all the plagues and the life that they had to live while they were there.

Speaker 1:

But I wonder about us has God ever come to you and said I need you to do this for me? Have you ever said back to God I can't, I don't speak well, and sometimes he's just asking you to speak to just one person, not rescue a whole country or a whole group of people, certainly not 600,000 of them. But sometimes that's how we act. You want me to do what? Save 600,000 souls? No, I just want you to go talk to one person. And we are good at coming up with so many excuses why we couldn't do that. God, you certainly can't mean me. I'm not equipped, I don't know how. I don't know what I'm doing. What if I make a mistake? What if I don't know how to respond? What if they ask me a question and I don't know what to do with it, god? Well, I'll make you embarrassed, I'll make you look like a fool. I'll make myself look like a fool. I don't know enough about who I believe. And boy, we spend more time trying to figure out how not to do something than just to relax and say Lord, listen, you've come to me, and that's a privilege. You've come to me, and that's a privilege. You've come to me to save somebody. For you, jesus, I'm not the one that's doing the work. You're going to do it through me. And if you're going to do it through me, lord, then I guess I'm well equipped.

Speaker 1:

Now, some of you may say well, I don't know my Bible enough. Well, here's the answer to that Get to know your Bible, get to know this God that you call your Savior. I mean, we don't join organizations or clubs or certain things without knowing a little bit about them, right? So if you don't know this God that you are going to go out and talk to other people about, get to know him. That may be the call on your life. Get to know your Bible. Learn about who God is, learn about who God is, who Jesus is and who the Holy Spirit is. Learn about them.

Speaker 1:

Don't just assume that's just for pastors, don't just assume that's for somebody else. That Bible is here for you and when God calls you to do the mighty work that he wants you to do, you can be well equipped. Oh, you won't know all the answers and, yes, you'll get tripped up and yes, you'll still be afraid and, yes, you won't be able to speak good. And no, lord, I don't have the means, I don't have the money to do what you're asking me to do. God knows that and he knows that he will have to equip you. But the first thing we have to do is drop that hurdle of I can't or I won't, I don't know how. What do I do? If God's called you to it, he's going to get you through it. You just have to allow your heart to stay open.

Speaker 1:

Crack open your Bible, read, learn. You're not going to understand everything. I've read through it a couple of times myself and I still don't understand some of the things. But you know what. That's okay. God says that's okay. There are some things in there you're never going to understand, and that's okay.

Speaker 1:

But what is not okay is for you to say, no, find someone else, find someone who's rich, find somebody who knows more about the Bible. God says that's you. You're rich, you know about me. Just relax, let God lead you through it and I'm telling you, you're going to see your life change. Don't be that no person, but be that yes, lord, yes, lord, is it I? Is it I? Let's pray, heavenly Father, help me to be yes, yes, lord, it's me You're wanting to send me. I know you will equip me. I know you will prepare me. I know you will equip me. I know you will prepare me. I know you will set a path for me. I may not be leading 600,000 people out of Egypt, but if I lead one, that's a miracle. Help me, lord, to lead just one person to love you and to call you their Lord and their Savior, just as I do. In Jesus' name, I pray, amen.