Walk the Walk
Whether you are a new believer, a long-time believer or a pre-believer this podcast is for you! Walk the Walk will help answer some questions you may have. I will talk about the Bible...and what it means to me. Not only will I share, but guests will be invited to share their own stories on how God is moving in their lives. You will be encouraged, uplifted and hopefully you will want to seek God to be a part of your life. You are welcome here.
Walk the Walk
Jesus' Promise of Peace Beyond Worldly Pleasures
Discover the boundless peace that comes from accepting Christ and the transformative power of God's grace in this heartfelt episode. Have you ever felt the temporary satisfaction of earthly pleasures fall short? Join me as we explore how a newfound relationship with God can bring lasting peace, akin to rekindling a long-lost relationship with a family member. We'll discuss the role of the Holy Spirit in providing guidance, comfort, and assurance, emphasizing Jesus' promise of peace that surpasses anything the world can offer. Learn how Christ's forgiveness can free you from guilt and fear, opening the door to a life filled with profound spiritual reconciliation.
We'll also unravel the complexities of the Holy Trinity, shedding light on the distinct roles of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Understanding the Trinity can be challenging, but I aim to provide clear and approachable explanations that demystify these profound theological concepts. Engage with the material, take notes, and don't hesitate to reach out with questions—whether to your pastors or directly to me via email. This episode is designed to deepen your faith and enhance your understanding of the divine, making these essential topics accessible and enlightening for everyone.
Hello and welcome back to Now. I'm a Believer. Now what I hope. You were able to listen to the first podcast and I hope that made you come up with some questions of your own. If you ever have a question, please don't hesitate to email me at tinaperry50 at gmailcom. Again, that's tinaperry50 at gmailcom. Again, that's Tina Perry 50 at gmailcom. So I told you.
Speaker 1:Our first question of the series is when I accepted Christ, I felt a peace come over me. What was that? Well, that is exactly what you should have felt a tremendous amount of peace. You know, a lot of people come to Christ because they have so much turmoil, so much going on in their lives that they have tried everything drugs, alcohol, living a life that is not pleasing to God, trying to satisfy their own desires and that's common. All of us do that. All of us still try to do that, even as Christians, I think sometimes we try to do the earthly things that make us feel good and only to find out that they only make us feel good temporarily. So that's why that, when you accept Christ into your heart, you feel that euphoric high of peace. I can now relax and I now have a relationship with my creator.
Speaker 1:So here's why you may have felt, or feel, that sense of peace. You have now reconciled with God. That sense of peace you have now reconciled with God. In accepting Christ you are reconciled with God, meaning that this separation that you've had for all these years, maybe, or however long, you've separated yourself from God and you are living that life, as I just said a little bit ago. You are living that life, as I just said a little bit ago, with drugs, alcohol, eating, overeating, overcompensating in something that you know is not good for you, but you've done it anyway, because it may not have been good for you, but boy did it feel good, which we also refer to as sin. So that is one reason why you feel this peace because you have restored a relationship with God. It's kind of like you having a relationship with somebody, a family member, for years and something happens, something ridiculous happens in your life and before you know it, you're not talking to each other and the only time you come to see each other may be at funerals, and then, pretty soon, you won't even go to the funerals because you don't want to be in the presence of each other. That's what it is. And then, eventually, when you do come together, you feel like, oh man, I've missed you. I missed you. Why did we even separate? What caused us to not talk for all these years? And now you developed and rekindled a friendship or a relationship with that person. That's what you're now doing with God.
Speaker 1:When you accept Christ into your heart, the second thing you're going to be feeling is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Now, this can be complicated and I don't want to complicate this. I want this to be as simple as we possibly can be. In our next question, in our next podcast, I'm going to answer the questions of who is God, who is Jesus and who is the Holy Spirit. But when you accept Christ, you are filled with the Holy Spirit, with the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit now lives within you to give you guidance, comfort and assurance.
Speaker 1:You know, there is nothing worse than you trying to make a decision and you're like God what should I do? Well, that's when they ask. That's when we ask ourselves or ask the Holy Spirit to come over us to help us make these decisions. Now, there are times when we will ignore that Holy Spirit, and that will come at a different time. I'll explain to you what could happen when you ignore that nudging, that the Holy Spirit tells you. But the Holy Spirit is the one that will offer you peace, as Jesus promised in John 14, 27,. Peace I leave with you. In other words, the Holy Spirit, I leave with you. My peace I give you. I do not give you as the world does. Now, that's what he's talking about. Now, that's what he's talking about. I don't give you the drugs, the alcohol, the lifestyle that is not pleasing to me. I'm not giving you that. Those are your choices. Those are the things that you have decided that you want to be a part of your life.
Speaker 1:Man, I have seen people go from a life that was pleasing to God to a life that was pleasing to God, to a life that was pleasing to his or herself, and before you know it, they're in such a mess. I know of somebody right now who's in that very situation, who has gone from this life, this relationship with Jesus, to this relationship with the devil, to the point of self-destruction. But that's what God says I do not give you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. Imagine yourself living all this life of yours in fear, feeling troubled, feeling overwhelmed, never understanding what. Why can't I feel this peace that I want to feel? Why am I always in turmoil? Why am I always like, fretting and anxious? And because you don't have the peace of God, you just don't. You've taken on the peace or lack of peace of the world. On the peace or lack of peace of the world.
Speaker 1:Now you will feel freedom from guilt and fear. In Christ there's forgiveness of your sins, which brings you freedom from guilt and fear. You know a lot of people will not come to Christ because they just feel too guilty. Oh, you have no idea what I've done. There's no way you could forgive me for that. I used to know of a lady that would always say I would never darken the doors of a church because it would just catch on fire. Um, you know tremendous guilt that this person felt about their sin, about their behavior. They just felt God. There's no way God could forgive somebody like me.
Speaker 1:God has forgiven people who have done horrendous, horrendous things because they asked him to, because they asked him into their life, because they've had this heart. I've seen people call it a hardened heart, of course, or a black heart, a heart that's so made of stone, that you could care less about anybody else and that you are a murderer or a thief and you're thinking it's too late for me. It's never too late for you. The only time it's too late for you is once you're dead and gone and you have not asked Christ into your heart. Then, unfortunately, it is too late. And the other thing that you may feel is that assurance of salvation, the peace you feel, may also be connected to the assurance that, through Christ, you have an eternal life and a secure future in God. An eternal life and a secure future in God.
Speaker 1:This peach at peace is a spiritual journey, that it's a spiritual reality that will come from knowing you are loved and accepted by God. God made you listen. You know, god has made you. He can restore you. I say that very thing thing for my husband right now. There are things he doesn't have because of the stroke, but God made his brain. God can restore that brain. God made your heart. God made you. God can restore you.
Speaker 1:And if you are feeling that peace or if somebody's asking you I felt this peace and now I don't feel it anymore, well, we have to question. You know what? Did you really accept? Did you really accept? Are you really all in or are you trying to keep your foot on both sides of life? But if you're feeling that peace right now and you don't understand it, what I just told you are reasons why you are feeling that peace and you want to continue to feel that peace. And the way to continue to feel that peace is to keep that relationship tight with Christ.
Speaker 1:Listen, this is not an easy journey, but it doesn't have to be a hard journey either. So don't fool yourself in thinking well, I don't feel it anymore, I must not be able to be a Christian. That's not the truth. God says come to me, stay with me, ask me to be with you all times, to be with you all times. Sometimes that's hard to do. Sometimes we find ourselves getting weak and tired, still feeling the frustrations, because I want you to hear this Just because you've accepted Christ into your heart does not mean that everything is going to be perfect for you. It is not. Here's the difference the struggles that you had before you tried to please them or take them away on your own accord. But now that you have Christ, you can say I'm giving it to you, jesus, I'm relinquishing all of this to you. I need your peace, and remember what I had said about prayer. Prayer is talking with God, and if you pray to God, stay by me. I'm feeling weak, I'm about to jump off this ledge. He will be with you all the time. I'm promising you that Stay by Him. He'll stay by you.
Speaker 1:Now, in our next episode, I'm going to answer the questions of who is God, who is Jesus and who is Holy Spirit. You know, sometimes you hear Jesus and God interchangeably. Well, we're going to talk about who those three persons are and that would be considered the Trinity. We're going to talk a little bit about that in our next podcast. So I hope you will join me. I hope you will listen to today's podcast as often as you can, take notes, ask your pastor about these things, ask them to help, maybe even explain it even better. If this wasn't clear enough for you, but I hope it was, and don't forget, you can always email me at tinaperry50 at gmailcom. Ask me questions. I may not know the answer, but I'll find them, and I'll find them to the best of my ability. But for now, thank you for joining me and have a blessed day.